Saturday, March 28, 2020

Old Mouldy Bread

Before our current isolation we began a science experiment. We wanted to see the difference in the way mould would grow on bread that had been treated in different ways. We used bread that was:

  • not touched
  • touched with unwashed hands (after playing at lunch time)
  • touched with hands cleaned with sanitiser
  • touched with hands washed with soap and water
  • touched with chrome book keyboards
We talked about how food that is good for us should eventually go mouldy and rot, then we predicted which pieces of bread would grow mould the quickest and why we thought this (our hypotheses).

Here they are on Day 1 (19th March 2020)

Luckily I remembered to bring them home with me instead of leaving them on the classroom wall...

Here's how they looked on Day 7 (26th March 2020)

Not touched

Unwashed hands
Hand sanitiser
Washed with soap and water

Wiped on chrome book keyboards

And then on Day 10 (29th March 2020)

Not touched

Unwashed hands

Hand sanitiser

Washed with soap and water

Wiped on chrome book keyboards

 Day 19 (7th April 2020)

Not touched

Unwashed hands

Hand sanitiser

Washed with soap and water

Wiped on chrome book keyboards

Wow...they certainly have changed! 
Do you have any thoughts, observations or questions about the results so far?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Water Safety Skills

This week at Cameron Pools we were taught about water safety. Everyone wore life jackets and practised skills in the big pool. For some students this was a new experience. It sure looked fun!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Reading Cats

We have been reading a few different books about cats recently...

  • Greedy Cat (by Joy Cowley)
  • Chester the Cat (by Melanie Watt)
  • Fat Cat (by James Sage) we decided to create our own cats to describe. We have managed to complete the art (pastel on black paper) and, this week, we will be writing a description of them.

Here's what we've got so far:

Don't they look PURR-FECTLY AMAZING!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Reflecting On Our Inquiry

Our overarching theme of inquiry this year is Ata Whakaaro - Reflection.

We have started this term looking at ourselves and thinking about what are some things that make us who were are. We are influenced by the cultures we are a part of...our family, our circle of friends, our school, our beliefs, and groups or teams. These aspects of our lives play a big part in shaping who we are. 


We have been swimming regularly in the school pool - working on developing confidence and skills in the water. It is so important to have at least some basic ability to stay above the surface and swim short distances if we live in New Zealand...we are surrounded by water!

This week we have also started sessions at Cameron pools where students were put into groups and began to learn and practise different skills. It's great to be able to do this in water that is safer (not rough or deep) so we can gain skills that could, one day, potentially save our lives.

Check Out Our Te Ana Ako Blog

 This year (2021) Haumia is combining with the rest of the middle school to contribute to a syndicate blog.  The link to our Te Ana Ako blog...