Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Marble Run Challenge

During the holidays my son, Charlie, and I designed and made two marble runs from things that we had at home (cardboard, tape). 

The first one was quite basic. I built the base and Charlie told me where to put the strips of cardboard. 

The second one was more complicated. I drew a grid on some cardboard and Charlie drew the path that the marbles would travel along. 

Then I made walls from card (it took ages!) and the end result looks like this:

Your Challenge: Create your own marble run from things you can find at home

Post the results (photos etc) to your own blog

Here's how our marble runs worked...

Check Out Our Te Ana Ako Blog

 This year (2021) Haumia is combining with the rest of the middle school to contribute to a syndicate blog.  The link to our Te Ana Ako blog...