Tuesday, September 8, 2020


Our PE focus for the next few weeks is basketball. We had Ronan and Mikey form Sport Auckland come in today for our first session. We practised lots of skills to get used to the basketballs. First we dribbled the ball as we walked (trying not to look down)...

We dribbling low...

And we dribbling high...

We crouched down and dribbled...

We even sat and dribbled...

And we also practised passing and catching...

Now we are looking forward to learning more.



  1. Hey Humia its Jacob from Te Waka Ako. I really enjoyed reading what you guys did for Basketball. Maybe next time you could add more details on what else you guys learnt with Ronan and Mikey. Thank you guys for sharing with us. Have a great day Blog you later!!!.

  2. Hello Humia my name is Fariha. I am from Te Waka Ako, I loved that you shared the different ways to practice basket ball. I hope to find out more about your basket ball practice. By for now.šŸ‘‹šŸ˜

  3. Kia Ora Haumia, its me Leilah.
    It's nice to see you guys trying new sports.
    I love how you guys added the kinds of dribbling you guys did.
    What was you favorite kind of dribbling?
    I hope you guys enjoy basketball.
    check out my blog down below:


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 This year (2021) Haumia is combining with the rest of the middle school to contribute to a syndicate blog.  The link to our Te Ana Ako blog...