Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Big Splash

Swimming lessons at Cameron Pools began this week. Students were put into groups and went through a range of skills to improve their water confidence and abilities.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Middle School Scavenger Hunt

Earlier this term all of the middle school classes got together to find out a little bit more about each other. We had a list of statements (Find someone who ...read for more than ten minutes yesterday ...went to the beach in the holidays ...loves to cook etc) and we had to write their name by the statement. It was a fun way to find out about others and get to know people.

Here are a few photos...

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Kawa of Care

This week we have been learning how to look after our Chromebooks. We learnt lots of tips to keep them safe. Here is Nijel's tip:

Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Our class is very excited about using Chromebooks this year. We had the Grand Opening (of the boxes) during the first week of school (along with a lot of smiles). Since then we have been learning how to access our accounts and find work on our class site. There is a LOT to remember and it can be a little overwhelming at the beginning of the year, but I'm sure it won't take too long before we get used to using Google apps.

Here we are, all excited, with our new (or borrowed) Chromebooks:

Welcome to Haumia! Welcome to 2019!

Hello and welcome! 

There have been a few changes around here...it's a new year...teachers and students have changed classes...class names have changed...

Change is good.

Let me introduce you to our class. 
Our class used to be called Room 6, but it has been re-named Haumia.

This is us...

We are named after a Maori legend about a taniwha, Haumia, who lived in the Manukau Harbour. 

We are a Year 3 and Year 4 class and we come from many different places. We are looking forward to year full of learning and laughter.

Check Out Our Te Ana Ako Blog

 This year (2021) Haumia is combining with the rest of the middle school to contribute to a syndicate blog.  The link to our Te Ana Ako blog...