Saturday, August 24, 2019


After discussing symmetry we brainstormed ideas about what kinds of things around us might be symmetrical, then we created our own symmetrical pictures by folding and tracing. 
Here are our finished products...
...pretty impressive!

The next step was to use these images to show how a surface can be covered by shapes using translation (sliding the image), reflection (flipping the image) and rotation (turning the image). We did this digitally, using scanned images of our pictures. 

These show TRANSLATION...

These show REFLECTION...

These show ROTATION...

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


We are learning to play squash for PE this term. We have a portable squash court set up in the hall and our squash instructor, Jude, has taught us about the lines on the court (the top line is the outer line, the bottom line is the tin line and the middle line is the serve line). We have been practising our serves and rallies. It's trickier than it looks! 

Here are a few photos...

Thursday, August 8, 2019


We have been learning about symmetry in maths. Shapes can have an axis (line) of symmetry if you can fold them in half and they match up on both sides. Some shapes have more than one axis of symmetry. 

We created our own symmetrical shapes by folding and cutting paper. Here are some of the results...

What do you think?

Check Out Our Te Ana Ako Blog

 This year (2021) Haumia is combining with the rest of the middle school to contribute to a syndicate blog.  The link to our Te Ana Ako blog...